Manuscript-scripts/Appendix H/Appendix H_model_parameterization.r

# This script produces the plots presented in Appendix C of the paper          #
# IMPORTANT NOTE: Run it with the command source('filename'),                  #
# NOT with copy/paste!                                                         #
# In Windows, just drag the file to the R window.                              #
#                                                                              #
library(adehabitatLT)	# for Lévy walk simulation
library(moveHMM)		# for moveHMM simulation
library(TeachingDemos)	# for subplots inside plot

# number of times each candidate solution is simulated to compute average fitness
nrepetitions <- 6

# Just a custom function to plot trajectories and their histograms of turning
# angles and step lengths inset at the corners
movementplot <- function(relocs, downsample = 1, nbins = c(4, 5)
	, range = quantile($stats[, "steplengths"], probs = c(0, 1))
	, resist = NULL) {
	par(mar = c(0.5, 0.5, 2, 0.5), mgp = c(1.2, 0.2, 0), tcl = -0.25) <- sampleMovement(relocs, downsample)
	if(is.null(resist)) {
		if(downsample == 1)	{
			plot(relocs, type = "l", asp = 1, axes = FALSE)
		} else {
			plot(relocs, type="l", asp=1, col="#aaaaaa", axes = FALSE)
			lines($relocs, lwd=0.5)
	} else {
		image(resist, axes = FALSE, col = c("white", "#999999"))
		if(downsample == 1)	{
		} else {
			lines(relocs, col = "gray")

	if(nbins[2] > 1) {
		histo <- binCounts($stats[, "steplengths"], range, nbins[2]
			, log = log.step.length)
			barplot(histo, axes = F, main = "Step\nlengths", border = NA
				, names.arg = NA)
			, "bottomright", size = c(0.45, 0.5), type = "plt"
			, pars = list(mar = c(0, 0, 4, 0), cex = 0.7, font.main = 1)

	if(nbins[1] > 1) {
		histota <- binCounts($stats[, "turningangles"], c(-pi, pi)
			, nbins[1], FALSE)
			barplot(histota, axes = FALSE, main = "Turning\nangles", border = NA
				, names.arg = NA)
			, "bottomleft", size = c(0.45, 0.5), type = "plt"
				, pars = list(mar = c(0, 0, 4, 0), cex = 0.7, font.main = 1)

# Load/generate some real data #
	"Optimization convergence plots with real and simulated data"
	, "Validation plots (ability to recover true parameter values after downsampling)"
)), {
	# number of generations to run optimization algorithm
	# NOTE: we don't need 1000 generations here, as the algorithm generally converges
	# faster. You can reduce this to e.g. 500
	generations <- seq(5, 1000, by = 5)
	# simulate at 50 times higher frequency than real data
	downsample <- 50
	# use 7-bin histograms for turning angle and step length ditributions during
	# optimization, for solution fitness evaluation
	nbins.hist <- c(7, 7, 0)
	# use the logarithm of the step lengths for computing the histograms above
	log.step.length <- TRUE

		"Elk data (Morales et al., 2004)"
		, "moveHMM simulation"
		, "Classical Lévy walk"
		, "Real otter"
		, "Repeat last one")), {
	# Elk dataset
		datasets <- data(package = "moveHMM")$results[, "Item"]
		if(!("elk_data" %in% datasets))
			stop("The elk dataset was not found in package moveHMM. Do you have the latest version of moveHMM installed? If not, type update.packages()")
		filename <- "elk"
	# pick coordinates of one elk <- elk_data[elk_data[, 1] == "elk-363", 2:3]
	# homogeneous landscape
		resistance <- NULL
	# so we don't need to specify initial coordinates nor headings
		startCoord <- NULL

	# this is just to compute real step lengths
		tmp <- sampleMovement(
	# and then the maximum allowable step length of simulations
		max.step.length <- (max(tmp$stat[, "steplengths"]) / downsample) * 2
	# the value above is just a quick calculation to aid the algorithm by providing
	# a bounded interval. The algorithm does not need a priori intervals for
	# parameters, but obviously it is faster if we provide it some guidance.

	# Define a species model to adjust
	# For this dataset, we define a very flexible species model with 3 Correlated
	# Random Walk states, because we have no idea of how the movement is like.
		species.model <- speciesModel("", prob.upp = 0.4
			, steplength = max.step.length)
	# This model implies "estimating" 12 parameters:
	#    - 3 turning angle concentrations, one for each state, [0, 1]
	#    - 3 step lengths, one for each state, [0, given value]
	#    - switching probability S1 -> S2, [0, 0.4]
	#    - switching probability S1 -> S3, [0, 0.4]
	#    - switching probability S2 -> S1, [0, 0.4]
	#    - switching probability S2 -> S3, [0, 0.4]
	#    - switching probability S3 -> S1, [0, 0.4]
	#    - switching probability S3 -> S2, [0, 0.4]

	} ,{

	# moveHMM simulation (for comments see the Elk)
		filename <- "moveHMM"
	# generate a moveHMM trajectory
		stepPar <- c(1, 1, 0.5, 3)		# step distribution parameters
		anglePar <- c(0, 0, 0.001, 3)	# angle distribution parameters 
	# specify regression coefficients for the transition probabilities
		beta <- matrix(c(-5, -4), nrow = 1, byrow = TRUE)
	# simulate 500 steps of a 2-state movement
		rawData <-
			simData(nbAnimals = 1, nbStates = 2, stepDist = "gamma", angleDist = "vm",
		       stepPar = stepPar, anglePar = anglePar, beta = beta,
		       covs = NULL, obsPerAnimal = 500, states = TRUE)

		# extract coordinates <- rawData[, 4:5]
		resistance <- NULL
		startCoord <- NULL

		tmp <- sampleMovement(
		max.step.length <- (max(tmp$stat[, "steplengths"]) / downsample) * 2
	# a 3-state model better fits in this case (it'll accomodate to 2 states anyway)
		species.model <- speciesModel("", prob.upp = 0.4
			, steplength = max.step.length)
	}, {

	# Lévy walk simulation (for comments see the Elk)
		filename <- "levy"
	# generate a Lévy walk <- simm.levy(1:500)[[1]][, 1:2]
		tmp <- sampleMovement(
		resistance <- NULL
		startCoord <- NULL
		max.step.length <- (max(tmp$stat[, "steplengths"]) / downsample) * 2
	# We don't need more than two states here.
	# This 2-state model implies estimating 6 parameters
		species.model <- speciesModel("", prob.upp = 0.4
			, steplength = max.step.length)
	# see attr(species.model, "param.names") to see the parameters to be estimated

	}, {

	# Load real otter data and resistance raster
	# Otters move mainly along rivers, so we have to provide a resistance raster with
	# the rivers
	# NOTE: because the optimization algorithm is not yet fully optimized for speed,
	# running this procedure takes about 22 h! The code is provided just to illustrate
	# how to do it.
		if(!file.exists("Appendix H_otter-realdata.rdata")) {
			stop("Can't find data file.\n************************************************\nPlease copy 'Appendix H_otter-realdata.rdata' to the folder\n", getwd())
		cat("NOTE: this options takes >20 hours to run, see script comments.")

	# let's just downsample 25 times, to make this run faster... but it should work
	# equally well with 50	
		downsample <- 25
		load("Appendix H_otter-realdata.rdata")
		filename <- "otter"
		tmp <- sampleMovement(
		max.step.length <- (max(tmp$stat[, "steplengths"]) / downsample) * 2

	# It's a river landscape, so set the starting position to the same as real, to
	# be comparable
		startCoord <- matrix([1, ], nrow = 1)

		species.model <- speciesModel("", prob.upp = 0.4
			, steplength = max.step.length, perceptual.range = 50)
	# we could specify a simpler model in alternative
	#	species.model <- speciesModel("", prob.upp = 0.4,
	# 		steplength = max.step.length, perceptual.range = 50)

	}, {
		# repeat last one

	# show the real data for which we are approximating the parameters
	plot(, type = "l", asp = 1, main = "Real data")

	# Conduct optimization #

	time <- system.time({
		solutions <- adjustModel(as.matrix(, species.model
			, resistance = resistance, coords = startCoord
			, resol = downsample, generations = generations
			, nrepetitions = nrepetitions, nbins.hist = nbins.hist
			, step.hist.log = log.step.length, trace = TRUE
			, aggregate = TRUE)
	# ... And that's all it takes to approximate parameters from real data.
	# We set trace = TRUE so the values of the objectives for each candidate solution
	# are printed every 5 generations.

	print(time)		# how long did it take?

	# Now visualize results with some fancy plots.

	# Make optimization plot along generations        #
	# good (but not ideal) for assessing convergence  #
	# Note: for a quick visualization, just type
	# generationPlot(solutions, species.model, only.pareto=TRUE)
	# the code below is just to beautify the plot for publication!

	tiff(paste0("optimization-convergence-", filename, ".tif"), width = 7, height = 7
		, unit = "cm", res = 600, comp = "lzw", pointsize = 9)
	par(tcl = -0.25, cex.axis = 0.85)
	generationPlot(solutions, species.model, mar = c(5.0, 2.3, 0.9, 2.3)
		, mgp = c(1.2, 0.2, 0), lwd = 0.75, show.legend = FALSE, only.pareto = TRUE)
	title(main = "Optimization solutions", font.main = 1)
	plot.colors <- rep(c("#000000", "#00bb00", "#ff0000", "#ff9900", "#0077ff"
		, "#9900ff"), 2)
	plot.lty <- c(rep(1, 6), rep(2, 6))
	if(attr(species.model, "npars") == 6) {
		leg.text <- c("Turn.Ang.conc. S1", "Turn.Ang.conc. S2"
			, expression(paste("Prob. ", S1%->%S2))
			, expression(paste("Prob. ", S2%->%S1))
			, "Step Len. S1", "Step Len. S2")
		legend("bottomleft", xpd = TRUE, inset = c(-0.1, -0.40)
			, legend = leg.text[1:4], lwd = 1, col = plot.colors[1:4], bty = "n"
			, cex = 0.6, lty = plot.lty[1:4])
		legend("bottomright", xpd = TRUE, inset = c(-0.1, -0.40)
			, legend = leg.text[5:6], lwd = 1, col = plot.colors[5:6], bty = "n"
			, cex = 0.6, lty = plot.lty[5:6])
	if(attr(species.model, "npars") == 12) {
		leg.text <- c("Turn.Ang.conc. S1", "Turn.Ang.conc. S2", "Turn.Ang.conc. S3"
			, expression(paste("Prob. ", S1%->%S2))
			, expression(paste("Prob. ", S1%->%S3))
			, expression(paste("Prob. ", S2%->%S1))
			, expression(paste("Prob. ", S2%->%S3))
			, expression(paste("Prob. ", S3%->%S1))
			, expression(paste("Prob. ", S3%->%S2))
			, "Step Len. S1", "Step Len. S2", "Step Len. S3")
		legend("bottomleft", xpd = TRUE, inset = c(-0.1, -0.40)
			, legend = leg.text[1:4], lwd = 1, col = plot.colors[1:4], bty = "n"
			, cex = 0.6, lty = plot.lty[1:4])
		legend("bottom", xpd = TRUE, inset = c(-0.1, -0.40), legend = leg.text[5:8]
			, lwd = 1, col = plot.colors[5:8], bty = "n", cex = 0.6
			, lty = plot.lty[5:8])
		legend("bottomright", xpd = TRUE, inset = c(-0.1, -0.40)
			, legend = leg.text[9:12], lwd = 1, col = plot.colors[9:12], bty = "n"
			, cex = 0.6, lty = plot.lty[9:12])

	# Make movement plots #

	# Make 3 example simulations with the optimized parameters
	sim <- lapply(1:3, function(i) simulate(species.model(
		solutions[[length(solutions)]]$par[i, ]), nrow( * downsample
		, resist = resistance, coords = startCoord))

	# do plots with real and simulated trajectories, with histograms,
	# for visual comparison
	tiff(paste0("real-vs-simulated-", filename, ".tif"), width = 8 * 2, height = 8 * 2
		, unit = "cm", res = 600, comp = "lzw", pointsize = 9)
	par(mfrow = c(2,2), font.main = 1, cex.main = 1.3)

	if(exists("original")) {
		rh <- movementplot(original, downsample, nbins = nbins.hist
			, resist = resistance)
	} else {
		rh <- movementplot(, 1, nbins = nbins.hist, resist = resistance)
	title(main = "Real")
	box(bty = "o", lwd = 0.5)
	sapply(sim, function(m) {
		movementplot(m, downsample, range = rh, nbins = nbins.hist, resistance)
		title(main = "Simulated")
		box(bty = "o", lwd = 0.5)
}, {
	# Make model validation plots
	# I.e. plot "estimated" parameters versus true parameters, for SiMRiv simulations after downsampling
	# Is the optimization able to recover true parameters after a 1:50 downsampling?
	downsample <- 50

	# Use 5-bin histograms for turning angle distributions and 8-bin histograms
	# for step length ditributions during optimization, for solution fitness evaluation
	nbins.hist <- c(5, 8, 0)
	# use the logarithm of the step lengths for computing the histograms above
	log.step.length <- TRUE
	# define simulation parameters that we'll use for validation
	# one state CRW, two state RW-CRW and three state RW-CRW-CRW
	simulation.parameters <- list(
		c(0.94, 1.4),
		c(0.94, 0, 0.005, 0.002, 1.5, 0.5), 
		c(0.99, 0.90, 0, 0.002, 0, 0.002, 1, 1, 0.5)
	species.models <- c("", "", "")

	# how many generations to run for each species	
	generations <- c(200, 400, 1000)

	# For each species, conduct optimization to estimate parameters
	# each run takes about 6 min (2 states) and 16 min (3 states), with 12 cores 
	# note that the performance of the optimization in recovering the true parameters
	# depends on the particular trajectory that was used as "real data". Hence, multiple
	# runs may produce different validation plots.
	for(sp in seq_along(species.models)) {
		smodel <- species.models[sp]
		truepars <- simulation.parameters[[sp]]
		# this instantiates the species with the given parameters0
		simsp <- speciesModel(smodel)(truepars)
		# simulate so that we get 500 steps after downsampling
		original <- simulate(simsp, 500 * downsample)
		downsampled <- sampleMovement(original, downsample)$relocs

		# show the real data for which we are approximating the parameters
		plot(downsampled, type = "l", asp = 1, main = "Downsampled data", xlab="X", ylab="Y")

		# use the default species model for each case, except that we
		# set the upper bound of the step lengths to 2, to give more freedom
		# (with real data, we don't know it's true value, so we have to make a guess like this...)
		species.model <- speciesModel(smodel, steplength = 2)

		# Conduct optimization #

		time <- system.time({solutions <- adjustModel(as.matrix(downsampled), species.model
			, resol = downsample, generations = as.integer(seq(1, generations[sp], len=100)), popsize=100
			, nrepetitions = nrepetitions, nbins.hist = nbins.hist
			, step.hist.log = log.step.length, trace = TRUE
			, aggregate = TRUE)
		last.generation <- solutions[[length(solutions)]]
		# select only the Pareto-optimal solutions to plot
		parameters <- last.generation$par[last.generation$pareto.optimal, , drop=FALSE]

		# just add a newline to the labels
		if(ncol(parameters) == 2) {
			xnames <- attr(species.model, "param.names")
			xnames[1] <- "Turning angle\nconcentration"

		if(ncol(parameters) == 6) {
			xnames <- attr(species.model, "param.names")
			xnames[1] <- "Turning angle\nconcentration S1"
			xnames[2] <- "Turning angle\nconcentration S2"

		if(ncol(parameters) == 9 || ncol(parameters) == 12) {
			xnames <- attr(species.model, "param.names")
			xnames[1] <- "Turning angle\nconcentration S1"
			xnames[2] <- "Turning angle\nconcentration S2"
			xnames[3] <- "Turning angle\nconcentration S3"
		# plot the true and estimated values
		tiff(paste0("optimization-validation-", sp, ".tif"), width = 7, height = 7 * 1
			, unit = "cm", res = 600, comp = "lzw", pointsize = 9)
		par(mfrow=c(1, 1), tcl = -0.25, cex.axis = 0.85, mar = c(4.7, 2.3, 0.9, 0.9)
			, mgp = c(1.2, 0.3, 0), lwd = 0.75)
		plot.window(xlim=c(1, ncol(parameters)), ylim=c(0, 2))
		abline(v=seq_along(xnames), lty=3, col="gray")
		apply(parameters, 1, lines, col="#00000077")
		lines(truepars, col="#ff00ffaa", lwd=2)
		axis(1, at=seq_along(xnames), labels=xnames, las=2, cex.axis=0.6)
		box(bty="l", lwd=1)
		title(ylab="Parameter values")

		# plot simulations with the estimated values
		# Make 3 example simulations with the optimized parameters
		sim <- lapply(1:3, function(i) simulate(species.model(
			last.generation$par[i, ]), nrow(downsampled) * downsample))

		tiff(paste0("real-vs-simulated-validation-", sp, ".tif"), width = 8 * 2, height = 8 * 2
			, unit = "cm", res = 600, comp = "lzw", pointsize = 9)
		par(mfrow = c(2,2), font.main = 1, cex.main = 1.3)

		rh <- movementplot(original, downsample, nbins = nbins.hist)
		title(main = "Real")
		box(bty = "o", lwd = 0.5)
		sapply(sim, function(m) {
			movementplot(m, downsample, range = rh, nbins = nbins.hist)
			title(main = "Simulated")
			box(bty = "o", lwd = 0.5)

miguel-porto/SiMRiv documentation built on Sept. 19, 2023, 2:47 a.m.